Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Long Time VS Short Time

My final product of the light bulb made of wax and electronic candle was not my original plan. I intended on making a light bulb within a candle and lighting that up. However, I could not find the materials to make this possible by the next class and as such had to make do with what I had.  The concept is fundamentally the same. It was also tough to create that wax light bulb because I had to gauge the correct temperature of the melted liquid wax before pouring it over the light bulb. If it was too hot the liquid wax would have rolled off and not stayed on, leaving a faint trace of wax. If it was too cold, the liquid wax would have half-solidified and resulted in a very clumpy texture. Lastly, I also agree with the feedback in class that it probably wasn’t necessary to make 2 objects and just stick with the wax light bulb.

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