Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Time Lapse Video

For this project, I chose to head out to the Hudson River and take shots of the glaciers. I shot for approximately an hour taking roughly 500 shots in total. The hardest part of this was actually taking the shots in constant intervals. Because of the freezing temperatures outside it was hard for me to concentrate my taking a picture every 10 seconds and as such some parts of the video look choppier than usual. When we started editing the video, the entire shoot actually resulted in only about 16 seconds worth of video, which made the project look a lot easier than it actually was. It made me realize the amount of effort and time that professional time-lapse videos required and allowed me to have newfound respect for them. 

Long Time VS Short Time

My final product of the light bulb made of wax and electronic candle was not my original plan. I intended on making a light bulb within a candle and lighting that up. However, I could not find the materials to make this possible by the next class and as such had to make do with what I had.  The concept is fundamentally the same. It was also tough to create that wax light bulb because I had to gauge the correct temperature of the melted liquid wax before pouring it over the light bulb. If it was too hot the liquid wax would have rolled off and not stayed on, leaving a faint trace of wax. If it was too cold, the liquid wax would have half-solidified and resulted in a very clumpy texture. Lastly, I also agree with the feedback in class that it probably wasn’t necessary to make 2 objects and just stick with the wax light bulb.

Time Map

I had a hard time trying to think of how to present my time map in a non-linear manner. I decided to go with my personal experience of the feeling I get when I fall them, like how time seems to be warped and certain moments of the fall feel as though life was on slow-motion before eventually returning to normal time. It was a pretty straightforward process of scaling the images in Photoshop before printing them out and arranging them manually in a spiral pattern. I had trouble deciding on the scale of the images and if I were to re-do and change this project I would have definitely did more dramatic changes in the size of the figure.